SunnyCon Anime Expo® offers a special pass for members of the press and media to cover our events.
Press passes are available for anyone who wishes to cover our events in the capacity of the press. This includes mainstream media to freelance but with restrictions.
If you wish to apply for press passes you must first fill in the press application online. Applications are open until the end of May with responses sent out at the start of June. Any requests filed after this time will be ignored. Be sure to fill in all the details requested as this will aide your application and make our decision making a smoother process.
How to Apply
Click on the apply button and fill the form easy as that
Press passes include;
Priority entry wristbands
Access to separate ticketed events*
consideration for interviews with our guests (pending on timetabling)
The following terms apply for press passes;
Press passes are for press and media only
you must have an established outlet and provide previous content
Applying is in no way confirmation of a press badge.
Press passes are NOT the same as guest passes. A press badge does not make you a guest and if accepted you should not advertise this as such.
Press badges are limited and won't be given to anyone. Examples of outlets that will be refused are; YouTube Vloggers, 'Cringe' channels, Tik Tok'ers, Personal blogs with a small audience, drama channels, etc.
Acceptance and vetting of credentials is at the discretion of Sunnycon Anime Expo staff
Press passes are collected on the day and confirmation e-mails will be sent early June. Failure to confirm by the deadline will lead to you missing out and will impact future applications.